Archive for the ‘St. Vincent Millay, Edna’ Category

A happy find yesterday while book-shopping! Two volumes of poetry by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Collected Lyrics and Collected Sonnets, both published by Harper & Row mid-2oth Century, with poems chosen by Millay herself. And while peacefully reading Lyrics this rainy, windy morning, the following struck me as almost too perfectly appropriate.


Raindrops turn to icedrops as the wind comes from the north ... Hill Farm, April 5, 2013

Raindrops turn to icedrops as the wind comes from the north … Hill Farm, April 5, 2013

Northern April


O mind, beset by music never for a moment quiet, –

The wind at the flue, the wind strumming the shutter;

The soft, antiphonal speech of the doubled brook, never for a moment quiet;

The rush of the rain against the glass, his voice in the eaves-gutter!


Where shall I lay you to sleep, and the robins be quiet?

Lay you to sleep – and the frogs be silent in the marsh?

Crashes the sleet from the bough and the bough sighs upward, never for a moment quiet.

April is upon us, pitiless and young and harsh.


O April, full of blood, full of breath, have pity upon us!

Pale, where the winter like a stone has been lifted away, we emerge like yellow grass.

Be for a moment quiet, buffet us not, have pity upon us,

Till the green comes back into the vein, till the giddiness pass.


Edna St. Vincent Millay ~ 1928

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